I totally promise that I have not fallen off the face of the earth.  😉

I am still recovering from that sinus infection.  It just really blew me off of my feet.  I feel like I could just sleep.  For a week.  Seriously.  Today was the first day in a while that I actually felt like I had some energy and could think a bit more coherently.  I will be praying that things only continue to get better from here.  🙂

I am more busy than I expected with Christian in school and then receiving therapy.  I was thinking that time wouldn’t slip away as fast, but, instead, it seems to be flying even faster!  I really don’t know how that is possible, but it’s true.  I am also trying to do my best to do something with Olivia every morning (story time at the library, errand running, walks in the woods, baking, etc.) so that she isn’t so “bored” around the house.  That is keeping me very busy, too.

And to veg (when able), I have been playing the online game of Latte Land over on CafeMom.  (Thanks, KK, for getting me hooked! 😉  )  It is right up my alley, as I loved working at a coffee/donut shop at one point in my life; almost applied for a job at Starbucks a couple of years ago; and have joking talked about opening a family-friendly coffee shop/juice bar playdate hangout.  Now, I can do it all online and not have the headaches of finances/supplies/employees/etc.  I am having TOO much fun playing, but it is also just a fun way to unwind and “meet” other moms. 🙂

I have also spent the last few days writing responses for the online book club that I belong to.  We read 2 autism-related books this month and, well, I seem to have lots of opinions and experiences that I just can’t keep to myself, so I have been writing non-stop over there.  (Sorry, ladies, if you’re tired of hearing from me. 😉 )

Oh, and then there is the thing with the therapy and getting Christian “pulled out of school to start therapy earlier thing.”  Yeah.  Headache.  I’m not really sure what is happening with this right now.  Unfortunately, I think it will involve keeping Christian in school full-day and then therapy after and more on weekends, giving up his free time and some of our “family time.”  Sigh.  With this we could also lose some therapists with scheduling conflicts, which TOTALLY makes me upset because we actually have an AWESOME team working with Christian right now.  That doesn’t come along everyday and I would so, So, SO hate to lose that!  So, yeah, busy working on this all, too.  And praying for the wisdom to know what is the right thing to do.