Christian will catch you on any and every technicality.  He will keep us on our toes for years to come. 

Here’s a few from last week during therapy…

CS (holding up a mirror and a fork):  “Christian, what can you see yourself in?”

Christian: “Fork” (which is true as he looks at himself in ANY reflective surface)

Sending CS to find other comparisons.  🙂


WD writes on dry erase board: “Birds live in _______________.”

Christian writes: “[our city’s name]”  (True.  Birds do live in our city.)

Next day — WD writes on same board: “Birds live in _______________.”

Christian writes: “Eggs.”  (Also so true. 🙂 )

Next day — CS writes: “Birds live in ____________.”

Christian writes: “Universal Orlando” (He read a newspaper article about the theme park at school 🙂 )

Next day — CS writes: “Birds live in ___________.”

Christian writes: “Nest” (I think this was the original answer that was being hoped for)  🙂


love this!  I can’t wait to see what he is going to catch us on next!!!  🙂